Have you ever made a decision only to regret it within moments after you made it? How about a major life decision only to have things fall apart? Have you made a decision and wished you had spent more time researching and asking questions before you made the decision that you made? I think we have all been through these situations a time or two. God’s word has a built-in prevention for us in order to keep us from making decisions we will inevitably regret, it’s called seeking counsel.
Seeking counsel
I feel like we as Americans often times do not utilize the concept of seeking counsel, and when we do, we approach it with a skewed understanding of what “seeking counsel” is in the Biblical sense. Seeking counsel is not us making our minds up about something and then convincing a whole bunch of our best friends why we should do that thing. Getting people to agree with our decision is not counsel, that is manipulation! Seeking counsel is not going to others who will only tell us the things we want to hear. You will never get sound Biblical direction from a “yes” man or woman! Doing what we want and reaping the consequences of our decision before seeking counsel is not really seeking counsel either. When we have a decision that we are facing, it is always better to seek counsel before we act. Often times, by seeking counsel we will see the situation we are facing in an entirely different light then we would have just left to our own perspective.
When we seek counsel, it should always be based on scripture. If Jesus would not tell you to do that thing, then it is not Biblical counsel! Seek out those who will “speak the truth in love,” (Ephesians 4:15) even if the truth hurts. It is always better to be cut open by the loving sword of the spirit, then by the cutting words of human flesh. And yes, there is a difference! When Godly counsel is speaking the truth in love, it will still hurt, but it will bring healing to the heart. It will bring clarity and peace. When the council is bringing you cutting words of human flesh, it will leave a wound that not only hurts, but it keeps bleeding. There will be no healing that comes, only continued bleeding. The peace of God will not accompany these words because God’s spirit of peace will not rest in something that did not originate with Him. We will often time be left with feelings of confusion and condemnation in these types of situations. The Bible clearly states that “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). If we find ourselves in a situation where counsel is condemning us, it’s not Godly counsel! “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” (John 3:17). Godly counsel should approach us with meekness and humility, with love and compassion, not a pointing finger and condemnation.
Why does God’s word tell us to surround ourselves with a multitude of counselors?
“Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Proverbs 11:14 (KJV)
First and foremost, seeking counsel is a safety net for us. Christ does not want to see us in situations where we are getting hurt. He desires to keep us from harm. “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) He longs to keep us in the protection of his wings. This is why seeking counsel is so very important. It can protect us from unforeseen harm. This is just the way we need to look at the concept of “seeking counsel,” through the lens of safety. When we view it this way we are more apt to seek counsel because we all have blind spots.
“The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice” Proverbs 12:15
As I just mentioned we all have blind spots. We all have things in our lives we just can’t see until we get someone else’s perspective on the situation and then we can see more clearly what we have been missing. We like to think we are right until we see it from a different angle and realize we were wrong the whole time.
“Arrogant know-it-alls stir up discord, but wise men and women listen to each other’s counsel.” Proverbs 13:10 (The Message)
I don’t usually refer to The Message, but for this particular scripture, I felt like it was brought out so clearly. So often the reason we don’t seek counsel is that of our pride gets in the way. We think we know better. We think we can handle it on our own without any help. We don’t want to be a bother to anyone. Whatever the excuse, our pride definitely gets in the way of us seeking counsel.
“Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end, you will be counted among the wise.” Proverbs 19:20
We are considered wise when we seek and heed the advice of counsel we are counted as wise. The Lord desires for us to learn and grow. And seeking counsel is one way to grow. Seek counsel so that you can be wise.
Lord, thank you for giving us the safety net of counsel. We know that it is for our own protection that you gave us that safety valve. Help us to lay down our pride and set aside our fears to seek out Godly counsel when difficult situations arise. Help us to be a humble compassionate servant in those moments when others come to us for counsel. We desire to do things with a right spirit. We ask this in your precious name.