Saturday, May 2, 2015

Lessons From Our Children

I had talked in a previous post about the mirror concept, about how our children can show us things about who we are as parents.  Sometimes, our children will just plain outright teach us lessons, not because we were the original example, but because God will sometimes use our children as an example for how we should act.

"But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Luke 18:16-17"

There really are times when we need to have a more childlike approach to things in life. Please don't confuse "child like approach" with foolishness, because foolishness is to be driven out of the heart of a child. What I am saying here is simply this, that sometimes we see things through our complicated adult eyes and children often see the same situation on such simple terms. Christ is asking us to not complicate things so much. Just the verse prior, in Luke 18:15, the disciples were upset because these people were bringing their children for Jesus to lay hands on them. So the disciples rebuked them. The disciples allowed their emotions to complicate the situation. How often are we like the disciples and we over complicate the situation. Jesus basically told them to keep things simple, just as a child does.

This post was prompted by a situation that happened just recently with my own children. My oldest daughter woke up this particular morning cranky, whining and complaining. As she was getting herself ready for class, she began crying. I was not in the same room at the time, but I could hear her. My reaction went something like this, "if she is this way now, what am I going to do with her when she is a teenager?" I knew this was not a good attitude to approach her with, because if you recall she is my emotional one. She will respond with the same level of emotion that I show her. So I knew that if I responded with a stinky attitude than that was exactly what I was going to get back. By the time I got to the room she was in, I walked in to see my son with his hands on her, praying for her. Oh man! I was ready to yell at her, and yet my son responded with such compassion. What a perfect real life example of Luke 18:15-17! I was acting and responding as the disciples did, and my son responded just the same way Jesus did. What a humbling experience it was. I am so thankful that the Lord can use my children as a teaching tool for me.

Are you able to look at your children and learn some things about God, life or yourself? Our children are amazing teachers if we are willing to take the time and learn from them. I find it disheartening when people discount children as not knowing anything. The reality is this, we can learn far more from them then we often realize. We need to be observant enough to see the lessons as they come. The lessons that our children teach us don't often come through the words they speak, although they can at times, but they will frequently come through their actions! The old saying that says, our actions speak louder than words, is often very true with our children.

My prayer this week is that the Lord gives you opportunities to observe your children being your life's teachers. I pray that He allows you to pick up on the subtle things that they do and say that have the ability to open the door of your heart to God's workings. I pray that not only will you recognize these times, but that you will humble yourself and allow the working of the holy spirit to deal with your heart. I pray that you have a major encounter with your creator this week and that it all starts with your children!

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