Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Example of Esther

I would assume many of us know the story of Esther. But I for one needed a refresher, so I decided to go back and reread this beautiful little story. As I read the story I began to put myself in Esther’s shoes. What would I be thinking and feeling? Here Esther is, walking into a world of the unknown only to later find out that the fate of her people lies within her own hands. When I put myself into a story like this, I can not help but ask, am I prepared like Easther was? Do I have that kind of confidence in my faith in God to go before the king unsummoned, or would I buckle under the pressure like Vashti? Who am I really?

“...who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

The story of Easter is awe inspiring. She rises to the challenge placed before her with heroic status. How can I compare myself to a women who saves an entire nation of people from annihilation? The truth of it is this, none of us are to compare ourselves to her, but rather we are called to be like her in our own situations. Let me explain. God has placed each of us in unique circumstances. God wants us to know that we are called to our circumstances for “such a time as this.” When we begin to see purpose in the situations we are placed in and that it is not by happenstance that we are where we are, it is then that we can act with the boldness and confidence that Easter exhibited in her situation. God showed Easter the exact steps she needed to take in order to have favor with the king. And in the end it brought about the saving of her people. When we learn to look and listen for the steps God wants us to take in our circumstances and we walk in it, we will see God’s hand move in amazing ways. Please bear in mind that God’s ways are higher than our ways. So, this does not mean we will see things work out the way we want them too every time, but they will work out the way God has planned.

I had to do a little searching for Easters age, because scripture is unclear just how old she actually was. What I found was quite astonishing to me. She was 14 years old when she became queen. Whether or not this was truly her exact age I do not know, but even if it is a close approximation, I found this to be mind boggling. I can’t even imagine being 14 years old and having the fate of an entire culture of people resting in the palms of my hands. I can’t imagine this at any age, much less being 14! This got me thinking. How are we raising up our children? Will they be able to lead nations by the time they are teenagers? In Biblical times the children were often married around this age and adulthood began. Are we raising up men and women who will stand for righteousness, or buckle under the pressure of the hard spiritual fight that is ahead? These are questions that stir my spirit toward a desire for teaching my children and making sure they can stand on their own two feet in the faith. This world is not getting any easier for anyone. If anything, it is getting more complicated and the line between right and wrong for most people has been skewed. It is so important that we pass on a strong faith in the Lord to the next generation! Easter was willing to stand up for righteousness in the face of the impossible. Are we willing to do the same?

Lord, I pray that you give us the heart of Easter. May we be willing to face life's impossibilities with boldness and confidence in our God. Thank you for calling us “for such a time as this.” I pray that we will rely on you to show us each and every step you want us to take in the situations that we face. May our lives be an amazing testimony of your power on display in us and through us. Please give us the wisdom that we need to raise up men and women who will boldly stand for righteousness, men and women who will not shrink back under the intense pressure that life can sometimes bring our way. Thank you that you have a plan and a purpose for us and for our children. Thank you for this beautiful example of Easter.

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